Tuesday, October 2, 2007

more shower presents

So the roommate has been gone for a couple of weeks now. (btw, she took the mystery shower penny with her when she moved). And the few times I did see her over the 8 months she lived with me, I always marveled at her crazy lady/medusa-esque hair. it was HUGE. Long, curly and everywhere. Now, I've never really had long hair, and even if my hair was twice as long as her it would take 10 of my baby thin hairs to make up one of hers.
Anyway, cut to a week or so ago, when my brother was visiting to help with some random home improvements before I try to get antother roommate. I thought I heard some weird noises when he was taking a shower, I just figured he didn't like my smelly body wash. But he comes out, after an uncharacteristically long shower asking:
Eric: did you notice your drain running slowly?
Me: no, why?
Eric: are you sure?
Me: well, maybe a little, what are you talking about?
Eric: go look in the shower.

ok, so I look in the shower and I see a hairball the size of one of cindy's fat kittens sitting on the edge of my tub. (I promise I am not exaggerating). I shreik and close the curtain. Eric thought it was hilarious. I almost threw up when I realize that was the noise I heard from the shower- him struggling with a hairy beast that wrapped itself around my drain. bleh! it still grosses me out. even throwing that thing away gave me the shudders.
moral of the story:
A. no more medusa roommates.
B. Thank goodness for brothers with strong stomachs.

1 comment:

Cindy T. said...

blargh barf yuck yuck YUCK!

I don't understand how hair on a head is ok but once it hits the shower it is instantly morphed into creepy crawly disgusting puke-inducing nasty.
